Health Home Information Resource Center

The Medicaid Health Home State Plan Option, authorized under the Affordable Care Act (Section 2703/1945 of the Social Security Act), allows states to design health homes to provide comprehensive care coordination for Medicaid beneficiaries with chronic conditions. States will receive enhanced federal funding during the first eight quarters of implementation to support the roll out of this new integrated model of care. States with a substance use disorder-focused health home state plan amendment, approved after October 1, 2018, may request two additional quarters of enhanced funding, for a total of 10 fiscal year quarters.

The Health Home Information Resource Center was established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to help states develop these new models to coordinate the full range of medical, behavioral health, and long-term services and supports needed by Medicaid beneficiaries with chronic health needs. Recognizing that states are at various stages in developing health homes, the resource center offers a variety of technical assistance services as well as a resource library of continuously updated materials. States may use the resource center to request one-on-one technical assistance, access peer-learning opportunities, and find resources to guide their health home development and implementation. Technical assistance will include working with states on developing their draft health home proposals before submitting State Plan Amendments (SPAs) to CMS as well as ongoing support during the SPA development process.

Coordinating Care from Out-of-State Providers for Children with Medically-Complex Conditions

Other Resources

SUD-focused Health Homes (PDF, 141.21 KB): Guidance for States on the Availability of an Extension of the Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) Period for Certain Medicaid Health Homes for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders (SUD)

Map of State Health Home Activity (PDF, 316.86 KB) View a snapshot of health home development and implementation across the states.

Medicaid Health Homes: SPA Overview (PDF, 410.05 KB) View a list of all approved health home SPAs by state.

Health Home State Plan Amendment Matrix (PDF, 622.28 KB) Compare key program design features for all approved health home SPAs.

Medicaid Health Homes Fact Sheet (PDF, 935.9 KB) Read this factsheet for a quick overview of Medicaid health homes and current member enrollment by state.

Health Home SPA Submission Resources

States interested in establishing Medicaid health home programs will need to submit a state plan amendment (SPA) via an online template for approval by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).


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Date Published: 1/1/2021